by Krishna Rose | Nov 21, 2022 | Christ, Jesus, Mary Magdalene
The Beating Heart of Mary Magdalene There are fundamental misunderstandings about life, death, and the afterlife. About heaven and hell… but moreso, about the eternal Kingdom. Mary Magdalene was initiated by Christ, into the mysticism of...
by Krishna Rose | Oct 3, 2022 | Jesus, Krishna, Mary Magdalene
The Secret Life of Mary Magdalene The Magdalen’s life was and is an extension of Jesu’s, therefore, some refer to her as the Feminine Christ, or Kallah-Masih (Female Messiah). Above Image: My favorite tapestry depicts Mary Magdalene, the...
by Krishna Rose | May 30, 2022 | Christ, Jesus, love
The Biggest Secret in History: King Herod Grandfather of Christ Herod prided himself, for he had seized every opportunity to ensure the throne of God… or so he believed. King Herod wanted nothing more than to be accepted as King of Jews. He was...
by Krishna Rose | May 9, 2022 | church, holy grail, Jesus
Glastonbury: Land of Grail History & Legend – Part 2 Legend says Jesus himself, being an expert carpenter and stone mason, built his first church in Glastonbury, England. Chalice Well in Glastonbury – a sacred pilgrimage site...
by Krishna Rose | May 2, 2022 | Christ, Jesus, Mary Magdalene
Mysterious Glastonbury: Land of Grail Legend, Bloodlines & Romance – Part 1 It is the only one of its kind, outside of Jerusalem. Over the next couple of weeks, I will share some intriguing details about Glastonbury, England, a place...
by Krishna Rose | Mar 7, 2022 | Jesus, Mary Magdalene, prayer
Prophecy & The Messianic Activation Codes I pray that we fully realize God’s plan on earth, and ask that our spiritual guides and angels heal and protect you, as well as our collective at this time. I greet you with a smile upon my face, as...