Reviews and appreciations for Krishna Rose’s inspiring book, Woman in Red – Magdalene Speaks.
“Millions of The Da Vinci Code readers will feel right at
home in the world Rose creates.”

read the full review here
“Krishna Rose draws on lesser-known ancient documents to present a fresh, sometimes challenging, but always fascinating story of Mary, Jesus and others of their iconic circle.”

Author of Mary Magdalene: Christianity’s Hidden Goddess
“Mary Magdalene’s relationship has a lot to teach us about what love is and how to live a life of love. Woman in Red – Magdalene Speaks brings her back to her rightful place as a devoted disciple of Jesus and offers a fascinating glimpse into the conflicts and controversies that shaped earliest Christianity. It brilliantly follows diverse biblical characters – peasants and nobility, civilians and soldiers—as they struggle with the problems unique to their era. Rose’s depiction makes them very human, and their stories become uniquely moving.
Krishna Rose’s masterful storytelling makes Woman in Red – Magdalene Speaks a must-read. ”

read the full review here
“I have read this book from cover to cover twice, there is so much information to take in that I couldn’t take it all in, in one reading or even two!”
“You will read this amazing truth and want to know more! The divine feminine restored.”
“This work has a kind of autobiographical approach and reads like a confession of inner devotional experience. The tone is markedly feminine and helps the reader’s imagination ponder upon what it might have felt like to be in the presence of Christ as a dedicated female confidante & devotee of Christ. I felt like I was getting an emotional taste of the time, place and circumstance.”
“The first chapter of Woman in Red Magadelene Speaks is gripping and emotional from the writer’s first words. My heart ached for Mary and Jesus’s mother Mary as their grief pulled at the heart strings of my heart. What I read resonated with me intuitively even as I read the first chapter. Reading the first chapter left me longing to read the remainder of the book. Its going to be a book you won’t want to put down. You’ll find yourself thirsty to keep reading!”
“Hello after reading the first chapter My heart Knows that what I have always felt about Mary Magdalene is true, that she was closer to Jesus than anyone every knew. I would Love to read the whole book but am on a very Limited income and barely am able to pay monthly. I am Thankful that the true story will finally get read. God Bless you, always.”
“Thank you for writing this book. For most of my life (I am in my 70’s) I have been searching for the true answers of the crucifixion. How does a man that has spent his life walking succumb to suffocation in a short period of time? When his side is pierced why does blood and water flow? I have always felt that the wedding in Cana was his wedding, as I have always thought that Magdalene was his wife. Now your first chapter has answered those questions. Yet I feel certain that he didn’t “die” but continued to live in another country, but where and doing what? I feel your book Woman in Red – Magdalene Speaks finally gives me these answers, and possibly answers other questions that I have not even thought of as yet. Thank you for researching and writing this book!”
“I have not reviewed a book before, but having pre-ordered and now on my 2nd read of yours, I was compelled to do so. Never having received specific religious training, but as a spiritual being, your book addresses….no, it confirms for me my lifelong beliefs. Far from hypothesizing, theorizing, or speculating, you speak Truth as I see it and I pray that one day all the peoples of the world will be awakened to that truth. With admiration and respect, I am Sincerely yours,”
Howell, Michigan
“Krishna Rose took 25 years of researching to bring the untold story of Mary Magdalene. Recently I’ve been drawn to Mary Magdalene on my spiritual journey. This book has opened my eyes. Definitely worth the read.”
—Marin Bach-Antonson:
Magdalene Rose priestess. Feminine mystic. Sacred womb keeper.
“I can 110% recommend this beautiful book Woman in Red – Magdalene Speaks by Krishna Rose. The knowledge, the wisdom and the love that comes through each chapter are soul changing XXX for me anyway.”
—Kath Upton, The Metaphysical Midwife
“I was raised Catholic, I knew there was more than what we were told, I feel lots of pieces have been put in a jigsaw for me, while reading I got feelings through my body, tears fell. I am truly grateful Krishna Rose I am truly amazed.”
“It is Divine perfection that Krishna’s ability to put so many of the Sacred Mysteries together at a time when it is most necessary is truly a miracle ! Krishna Rose has a way of writing from her soul,thus we experience this beautiful story through our own soul! She weaves an elaborate tapestry of beauty in an exquisite tale surely to inspire all! The music to accompany is very moving & allows one to have a rich & spiritual feast in so many ways. Read, Listen & enhance the heartfelt beauty of the Divine. Thank you Krishna Rose for sharing the beauty that you are!”
“Incredible how Krishna Rose brings the life, work and prophesies of Jesus to show why He lived, and most significantly how much He is needed today. Frightfully or amazingly so, Krishna Rose related the erosion or humanity and culture of Jesus’ times to similar events happening in our world today. Truthfully, the writing is so real, so intriguing and descriptive, it makes the reader become completely absorbed and understanding of the times and profound messages His life means to all of us.”
“Your book answers questions my soul has searched for after researching Jewish history and writings and brings the story of The Magdalene together so beautifully! Thank you for your work!”
Wow! I gotta get this book. I’m only halfway thru the first chapter but it has me riveted!! Thank you!!
“I could walk along with her and do the very things she did and felt lighter because of this. She was also gifted with something. I too believe that if we clear out ourselves of inner discontent and shadows, that we become lighter in the weight they had on our souls as well as Lighter on the outside . As our shadow lessens, the Light from within can now flow outwards and touch others gently, joyously and lovingly. As her visions progressed throughout the story, Mary became stronger, more focused, clearer and then her journey through the nine veils brought greater and greater clarity and a heart expanding wider and wider as she traveled through each veil.
This is truly a journey of many years. I would not doubt that the visions and inner journeys were in some ways akin to the journey of 25 years the author mentions took to compile this book. If so, it is journey well traveled and one that is priceless in its ultimate knowingness and the Light it created. I humbly acknowledge her work and her journey and those who assisted her in her travels.”
read the full review here
“I have just finished reading your book and was deeply moved. I kept feeling & thinking, finally the truth is being told. Thanking you with all of my heart for writing this very special book.”
“Read this book Woman in Red – Magdalene Speaks. I am finding it so truthful. I know that it is written in truth.”
“In this interesting historical fiction, Magdalene tells a story of life after Jesus’ crucifixion that includes the birth of their two children, their travels to Egypt and India, and their disappointments with the early preachers of the Church, Peter and Paul. Running parallel to their external lives, Magdalene makes multiple inner journeys into celestial and underworlds where we’re given insights into the human predicament and see her gradual transformation into Mary Magdalene, the woman in red, who is an instrument of God’s compassion in the world.”
“Your words are like pictures that I could visualise it, the words are coming from Mary Magdalene herself.”
First of all, thank you for bringing the wisdom back to the light of humankind. I feel your strength within the words you have written for us. Forever thank you for lighting up the world with this book Woman in Red – Magdalene Speaks! I’m so happy I took the time to read this first chapter, twice. As I was reading, I was carried away! It was if I was traveling through time and was in the burial chamber witnessing everything from the shoulder of Mary. I felt the light of the author and truly a spark from my tummy went to my heart as if Mary herself whispered it to you. For you to write it down on these pages. This book is already in the first chapter an art piece and will touch many hearts, as it did mine.
“I love the words just visualize every step of the way. The tears the blood Awakening the moments of thinking he’s not going to make it. I love the emotional rollercoaster it takes me on I feel like I’m there a fly on the wall the love the passion the feelings oh I just can’t wait for the next chapter.”
“From the opening pages I felt transported into another world. Reading this story felt so familiar. Like reawakening to a time, and to feelings, which I once experienced so deeply – to a time that I always yearn to return to. Often while reading this book, tears came to my eyes or my hairs stood on end. So incredibly sad at times and yet also exhilarating, and fulfilling to the core of my being. I felt myself cheering for Jesu and Magdalene throughout these pages, relishing every word from their lips. Profound and inspiring!”
“Mary Magdalene – what does the name conjure up? For me she was the biggest mystery, a woman scorned, a woman obliterated from history, yet one of the main followers of Jesus. Jesus surrounded himself with men AND women, he could even be considered the first feminist and Mary was the closest to him. A Disciple. There at the foot of the cross, unafraid, where were the men? I can see through reading the first chapter of this book that we will gain a much larger insight into Mary’s world than ever, she needs to come in out of the shadows, early church authorities wiped her from history, her story NEEDS to be told, we need to know more about how she influenced the Jesus movement.This book by Krishna Rose looks like it will be an amazing read and at last we will get to hear her story, told with love, told with knowledge, told with truth.”
“This book was amazing from the first page, Mary Magdalene draws you into her experience. You are there in a world many today would consider taboo. This beautifully written work of “fiction” speaks to the inner beliefs I have carried with me my whole life. Kudos to Krishna Rose for the passion and bravery it took to give the real Mary Magdalene back to history!”

“My purpose of being an artist is to express my joys,
my sorrows and my searching for answers — ultimately
the age-old yearning for freedom.”
Copyright © 2019 Krishna Rose | Design by Rob @ SOULUSIONS