by Krishna Rose | Sep 19, 2022 | God, Kingdom, Yeshua
Yeshua in India His heart and mind were opened by the torchlight of divine love and the Kingdom of God was revealed to him. Truth: The Vatican, like all religious organizations, are powerful beyond measure, but their superficial power can be taken...
by Krishna Rose | Sep 5, 2022 | God, Goddess, Krishna
The Mountain We Must Climb When God and Goddess are the main attraction, you know that you are on the right path, no matter what you call it. Thank you for your patience as I took a much needed two month sabbatical for myself after recently being...
by Krishna Rose | Jan 10, 2022 | God, religion, religious
The Oracle Of The Grail Speaks: Who Do You Worship? Be not threatened by those who worship differently to you, by people who call God by a name that is unfamiliar to you. The core of all belief teaches us to have one Master, God. We need not...
by Krishna Rose | Dec 24, 2021 | devotion, God, Goddess
Christmas Eve Truth & Blessings You need not burden yourself with vain pursuits. Merry Christ-mass! It is my favorite occasion because we are all better versions of ourselves at this time. We remember to be generous to the poor, thoughtful...
by Krishna Rose | Nov 15, 2021 | God, Mary Magdalene, spiritual
The Magdalene Codes Remember that the darkness is dispelled wherever there is light. The pure saints have told us that love of God is the secret key to our happiness and wellness. They know that contained within the vessel of consciousness are the...
by Krishna Rose | Sep 27, 2021 | God, Goddess, Kingdom
The Shakti-Vesh Avatar Of This Age She reaches for us, reminding us to seek and find the Kingdom within. Did you know that the ancient Vedic scriptures, known collectively as the Vedas, predicted Jesus’s life and times, describing him as a...