Reincarnation Is Not A Conspiracy Theory

Dec 7, 2020 | God, Kingdom, prayer, ritual

In our journey through these limitless lives we shall all eventually have to reach for the saving line of eternal life – if we wish to reach for freedom from endless cycles of suffering.

Reincarnation is not a conspiracy theory. It is the cause of enormous distress to us whether you believe in it or not. That is the truth of it. At some point we must awaken to this truth, returning to our true conscious state, giving up our sleepy misunderstanding of things. To repeat the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, is the very definition of foolishness – for consciousness we are. In our journey through these limitless lives we shall all eventually have to reach for the saving line of eternal life – if we wish to reach for freedom from endless cycles of suffering. THIS is what Jesu, Magdalene, and all true and holy masters, have come to this world for. To shine light on our path. To lead the way forward. In this way we may reach for undying love, giving up death, grief, pain, and struggle.

Sadhana (a daily spiritual practice) reunites the soul with this eternity. It is incomprehensible to the conscious mind just how profound sadhana can be, for it is not just open space that we pray to. Sadhana is a portal which has the power to take us into our true reality. Sadhana has the ability to reveal God and the Kingdom to us (when I speak of God, I speak of the Divine Masculine as well as Divine Feminine). Let me give you an example, if whilst praying or chanting, we remember the Object of our praying, then most surely, at some point, our mantra-Devata, the Owner of holy name, shall appear. Meditation on God, when mixed with the magical ingredient of holy name, is the quintessence for all spiritual seekers. It is the only way forward no matter which path we follow.

Contemplative prayer is the entrance point of our inner adventure. It is not just a call to action, but it is a claiming of our birth-right for which we came into being. Within moments spent in holy practice, we reach, we search, and we allow the harmonizing power of divine love to link us to something and someone beyond just birth, death, and rebirth. These three threshold portals of birth, death, and rebirth hold the most monumental fear within us all, for we have died many times in many ways. Unless we tie and bind ourselves to something, or someone, who does not die, we cannot save ourselves. By making time for sadhana (prayer, chanting, and meditation) we stop these endless cycles of suffering. The limitless wheels of repetitive karma and samsara (reincarnation), slow, and come to a halt.


Krishna Rose

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