The Alchemy Of Divine Love
When we actively reach for Divine love we are untied from the hard knot of ego which has forever confused and bound us to cycles of suffering.

When grounded in a daily practice Divine love alchemically turns our material desires into spiritual ones. Within such a holy climate the Kingdom opens and encourages us forward. In this way, we learn to sacrifice our mind’s wants, needs and desires upon the altar of God’s name. Such a dedicated process blesses us by tilling the weeds of our hearts, to prepare us for a Divine revelation. If we are so blessed, visions may be given and received at this time, but only once the roots of our offenses are destroyed.
The formula of sincerely begging for forgiveness is called repentance. We all make mistakes and say something we regret, which may hurt someone, and such wrong-doings are, thank God, easily rectified by a humble admittance of our discourtesy. Forgiveness catapults the soul into higher and higher states of liberation and frees us from future suffering. Surely, the humiliating experience of asking for forgiveness is worth its weight in gold. Those ripe with fertile minds (sukriti) will understand.
When we actively reach for Divine love we are untied from the hard knot of ego which has forever confused and bound us to cycles of suffering. The Divine Feminine asks that we throw our prideful immoral living upon the fires of our determination. To become the breakers of chains. To be willing to step out of the norm, listening to the guidance of the Eternal, to express Divine love at every given moment without pause. Thus, we may come to understand that God’s love is everything. Everything but love is an illusion. This is the truth and everything else is a lie.

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“My purpose of being an artist is to express my joys,
my sorrows and my searching for answers — ultimately
the age-old yearning for freedom.”
Krishna Rose