Magdalene’s Jewel Of Gratitude
Miracles happen all around us, all of the time, yet only when we develop an attitude of gratitude are we able to notice them.
Grace is a timeless gift which comes through the openness of vulnerability. It comes through fortitude, gratitude, and faith. It comes to us through prayer, sacrifice, and surrender. Grace is not achievable. It is not a reward or the result of hard work – it is a happening. When we are empty, we hold grace. The mind is human, faith is superhuman. Where the mind cannot reach, faith can. Miracles happen all around us, all of the time, yet only when we develop an attitude of gratitude are we able to notice them.
Gratitude and faith open our inner vision. We see the reality that life is and that love surrounds us and encircles us endlessly. The whole of creation stands behind us, aching to inspire us. Faith inspires gratitude, and gratitude strengthens faith. It is essential to acknowledge and honor the grace that is present in each moment. When we are grateful for what we have, the more happiness we feel inside. And the more rooted our faith becomes, the more our inner-joy grows. We must learn to pay attention to all the good things in our lives, and the many blessings that are present. Gratitude and grace go hand in hand. Grace comes when we are grateful for what we already have in this moment.
Content to plow the fields of our uncertainty, feel strong in the seat of your soul. Have an acceptance of whatever feelings and emotions may rise at any given moment. What you will find is that as you learn to relax, you will become lighter and more at ease, to sit for longer and longer periods of time, in the stillness. Thus the troubling waters that were once controlling you, are no more. This is where the real magic happens, as your soul moves towards ultimate freedom.
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Krishna Rose