Divine Feminine Wisdom: The Truth Beyond Propaganda
There are fundamental misunderstandings about life, death, and the afterlife. About heaven and hell… but moreso, about the eternal Kingdom.

When sweet sap rises within a tree it spreads throughout the tree, giving the tree life. Whether one takes sap from the bottom of the tree, or from its branches, still it will taste the same. Spirit is like that. It is the same essence, whether it is housed in the body of a man, woman or beast. Therefore, let us honor all of God’s creatures.
Over the last few years we have seen a marked divide among people around the world. This was purposeful. The elites know that a nation divided is a nation conquered. The Jewish and Muslim people hate one another. The pro-Trump / anti-Trump campaign has separated the American people. And the pro-vaxxers vs the anti-vaxxers have cut a knife through the heart of our global civilization. We are not here to have conflict between us. We are here to create, carry and birth peace. Our souls are duty bound to work together. To protect one another and take care of each other. To be generous by sharing what we have, trusting in the Lord’s bounty.

Mary Magdalene carrying the flame of truth into the world
In every situation, we are called to remember the truth, and not buy into the carefully manipulated separations. Our only duty is to embody love. To allow the warmth of acceptance to flow unhindered through our bodies, thoughts and intention. To offer kindness and support unto all living beings. If we wish to restore goodness and hope, we must be the change, set the example, and lead the way with understanding, respect, and compassion. If we fall into the trap of hatred, disregard, rudeness, loathing and intolerance, then they win. We cannot allow this to happen. We are one human and spiritual family, and we must reunite, drop our guards, and accept one another despite our many differences. Remember, we are not here to change others, only ourselves.

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“My purpose of being an artist is to express my joys,
my sorrows and my searching for answers — ultimately
the age-old yearning for freedom.”
Krishna Rose