A Messianic Transmission Of Hope
Taking only what the Lord gave for their sustenance, there was no place for materialistic yearnings. In this way they became liberated. Their hearts became so saturated with devotion, that in a mood of service, they began broadcasting the messages of eternity. Still today, these Messianic transmissions are there in the etheric element here on earth. They have impregnated our innermost womb-space—the inner-consciousness portal—with a state of grace.
Knowing that at some time in the future these seeds would sprout and attain perfection within the blossoming awareness of the Feminine Divine, Jesu and Mary Magdalene encoded these Messianic templates of ordainment into the watery essence of Mary Magdalene’s name. Her risen name is a portal. She parts the veils and returns to us the Goddess. She teaches the simple gifts of devotion and calls for us to rise up into our inherited mood of service.
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