The Secret Life of Mary Magdalene

Oct 3, 2022 | Jesus, Krishna, Mary Magdalene

The Magdalen’s life was and is an extension of Jesu’s, therefore, some refer to her as the Feminine Christ, or Kallah-Masih (Female Messiah).

Above Image: My favorite tapestry depicts Mary Magdalene, the wife of Jesus, lifted from flesh into spirit, by angels of heaven at the end of her life in Southern France. This tapestry hangs upon my wall and has been a stimulus for many prayers.


Mary Magdalene bore witness to the biggest secrets of Jesus’s life, which others were not privy to. She watched silently from a distance, while he prayed, sometimes weeping like a mad man, as well as witnessed her husband’s crucifixion and resurrection. Trained by him, she learned how to walk, talk, heal, pray, lead and meditate like him. Jesu knew that if Mary Magdalene saw first hand, beyond the curtain of death, she would become a shining beacon guiding souls from sin, and, therefore, future suffering and sorrow.


The Magdalen’s life was and is an extension of Jesu’s, therefore, some refer to her as the Feminine Christ, or Kallah-Masih (Female Messiah). Certainly, she went on to become a living manifestation of the Master’s words and practices – a perfect disciple, a living example of humility, renunciation, prayerfulness and devotion, an example for others to follow…

The truth is, Woman in Red – Magdalene Speaks, offers a pilgrim of any faith an opportunity to grasp Christ’s most esoteric teachings and meanings. It is also a rare glimpse behind the curtain, where many shocking family secrets are unveiled. Each carefully structured sentence activates and inspires, to lift the reader out of every illusion. These are the deep thoughts and words of Mary Magdalene. It is divine poetry, inspired by the greatest saints in history.

Krishna Rose

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“My purpose of being an artist is to express my joys,
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the age-old yearning for freedom.”

Krishna Rose