Money Exchangers Be Warned! The Overthrow of Deceit

Nov 7, 2022 | Christ, church, love

Because divine love (Bhakti) is freely given unto all, therefore, money should not be the root cause for what we do.

How do we know who is really a spiritual guide vs those who line their coffers for money and pridefulness? Mary Magdalene’s spotless devotion was witnessed by the male disciples of Jesus, who, needless to say, were envious of her. Thus, her name was thrown asunder. Since then, we have lived in a male-dominated paradigm. Now, as we enter the Golden Age, we see that it is the returning Feminine Divine who is healing, activating and restoring our world.

I embarked on this journey into grail history over thirty years ago to discover and expose the lies of the Vatican ‘church’, as well as all that was said and done in Christ and Mary’s names. When I first began, I had no idea of how profoundly impactful the secrets and coverups would be.

Mary Magdalene and Jesus are two sides of the same coin.

How can we deliver ourselves from the calamity and falseness of the ego and its constant demands, for surely, to do so, is to taste and know true freedom? Great teachers like Jesus and Mary Magdalene, exemplify the way of love, by teaching us practically how to embody divine love as compassion. Thus, we are called to live without concern for physical appearances, status, wealth, or reputation. We are shown by their example, that we should always be alert and ready to serve the needs of others, even at the expense of our own loss or discomfort. When any being, human or furry, is in need, it is our duty to care for them and let them know that they matter. We should take every opportunity to lift others up. To do so, is to interact with grace and mercy.

When we dedicate ourselves to helping the less fortunate, without any hint of selfishness, pride, or want, we can say that we are walking the path. Why? Because divine love (Bhakti) is freely given unto all, therefore, money should not be the root cause for what we do. This golden rule sets the true teachers and seekers apart from those who seek only followers and financial gain. Why did Christ over-throw the monetary tables in the Temple? Because money should have no place in worship! It goes against the curative tonic of divine love, which should always be made available at no cost.

Truthfully, pure spiritual guidance, inspiration, curative healing, baptism and initiation cannot be given as an antidote for the dis-ease of materialism, if money is the driving force behind it. The faithful understand this and give freely of themselves without want for remuneration, therefore, this week be generous. See the need in those who are poor. Give unto them. Reach for and lift their down-turned hearts with the goodness in you.

Krishna Rose

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