Disarm The Suffering

Jan 26, 2021 | devotion, disciples, Mary Magdalene

When we fry the seeds of a plant before planting, they shall not sprout, nor shall they grow.

When we fry the seeds of a plant before planting, they shall not sprout, nor shall they grow. Similarly, when we follow Magdalene’s Seven Keys (see below), the seeds of our future misery, which were planted in the fertile ground of our hearts, become disarmed. We shall not be affected by the sufferings they would otherwise have caused.

Seven Divine Keys which bless us with eternal freedom are:

  1. Atonement and austerity;
  2. Truthfulness in all circumstances even if it is uncomfortable;
  3. Cleanliness of the body and mind;
  4. Practice non-violence towards all living beings;
  5. Have faith in God’s Holy Name which alleviates suffering and connects us with the Divine;
  6. Non-possessiveness … give without expectation of return;
  7. Listen and learn from the Saints – put their teachings into practice.
Krishna Rose

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“My purpose of being an artist is to express my joys,
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