Christmas Eve Truth & Blessings

Dec 24, 2021 | devotion, God, Goddess

You need not burden yourself with vain pursuits.

Merry Christ-mass! It is my favorite occasion because we are all better versions of ourselves at this time. We remember to be generous to the poor, thoughtful toward those who are lonely, and loving to those we care about. Even though today is not actually the birth date of Christ, let us feast on the nectar of divine love, in his honor.

He is the cup,

She is the water that sustains;

She is the womb of our creation,

We are all sons and daughters of God,

Fruits from the same tree,

Hung upon many branches.

What we have sown,

We shall reap,

Until we realize,

That this life is a holy decree.

Eternity is not purchased from a shoemaker,

It is found in the wilderness,

Far from the crowds.

So wash the prying bitterness from your eye,

Empty yourself of egoistic selfishness,

And allow God to impregnate you,

With holy wisdom.

When you do not find honor in this world,

Remember that you are not a slave of society,

You need not burden yourself with vain pursuits.

If you seek pleasure,

Seek out the pleasures of the Kingdom,

For only there shall no death ever come upon thee;

Thy love shall be returned unto thee,

And thy wanting shall cease. 

The eternal reality does not come by its own effort,

Determination, discipline and striving,

Are required climates,

If you wish to attain the Kingdom.

Furnish your soul,
And wear no mask of cleanliness,

While you are encumbered by shadows;

Relinquish the lower-nature,

Make right every wrong,

And find freedom.

Merry Christ-mass …

May Jesu and his holy family bless you with Divine understanding,

Go in peace, and may God bless you and your family, now and always.

Krishna Rose

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