Life With Jesu: Breaker Of Chains

Mar 22, 2021 | depression, happiness, Mary Magdalene

Jesu taught us from the seat of his compassionate mind that we should heal the darkness of disease, first in ourselves, then in others.

When we walked with Jesu and Mary Magdalene, the laying on of hands, praying, exorcism, fasting and mercy were the simple tenets we lived by. The Messianic cause broke the chains of our attachments and illusions as they taught us, by their living example, how to give love in action. They led the way for us to follow in their footsteps: To live as they lived, to practice non-judgment, to pray and meditate, and to show mercy unto all. Their humility was equally matched by their awe inspiring power over matter and spirit, as they served, knowing that with God’s holy name all things are possible.

A prayerful practice,

Turns a dirty thing into something clean,

For holy name rights the wrongs of our past and present,

Offering us an opportunity to reach for the Eternal Reality.

Jesu taught us from the seat of his compassionate mind that we should heal the darkness of disease, first in ourselves, then in others. This was done without a shred of doubt that with God’s name we had the power to restore those who were sick, unhappy, or lost. Our Messianic prince understood that the human body contains within it the sacred soul which is immaculate in its creation, and he declared that the spirit is always perfect. It is our mistaken identification with matter which causes us to suffer. Jesu exemplified gratitude for any opportunity which might bring about our spiritual unfoldment. To support our spiritual growth he would take us into the desert to fast and pray, sometimes for weeks at a time, so that the highest vibration of Divine love could be received, contained and expressed through us.

Once the sickness had drained away, he would seal up the fissures of our weak faith, painting the cracks of our self-indulgence with the glue of God’s love. His Messianic power returned our bodies into vessels of holy light, which was received in the grail of our open and thirsty hearts.

The first door of Divine understanding is to trustingly fall into the arms of Divinity to surrender and be held. Without this foundation of faith in God’s power and mercy we cannot advance. Faithful surrender is described as the first portal of awakening. The spiritual seeker of any path, must give themselves completely to the Divine, trusting that they will be loved, maintained and entirely protected. Such a pilgrim of faith wants nothing but the pure love of God – and when I speak of God, I speak of God and Goddess – the Feminine Divine.

Krishna Rose

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